Michael Rische plays C.P.E. Bach – No apologies necessary

Author: Ralph Graves

In the liner notes for this release, pianist Michael Rische writes, “The musician of our time has in his mind, consciously or not, the musical thinking of Debussy and Ravel, of Schoenberg and Stravinsky, and of Messiaen and Ligeti – a large radius of musical experience that reaches into the present day and suddenly reverberates in a piano concerto by [Carl Philipp Emanuel] Bach.”

Well okay then. These days, playing pre-Classical keyboard music on historically accurate pianofortes seems to be the norm. So I can understand Ricshe feeling the need to justify these recordings with a modern piano.

But he didn’t really need to. His performances make the case quite nicely. Rische takes full advantage of his instrument, shaping the music with thoughtful phrasing and subtle dynamic changes.

The Piano Concerto in D major, Wq.11 was completed in 1743. Bach wrote it in the new empfindsamer Stil. The effect of this “sensitive style” is heightened by Rische’s playing (and the expressive qualities of a modern piano).

Accompanying Ricsche is the Berlin Barock Solisten. The ensemble comprises of Berlin Philharmonic, and they’re just the right size for these works. They balance the sound of the modern piano well, creating a pleasing ensemble blend.

CPE Bach was a talented composer, and these works demonstrate the high degree of his skill and imagination. And Michael Ricshe presents compelling performances of these works on his chosen instrument. No apologies needed.

Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: Keyboard Concertos
Michael Rische, piano
Berlin Barock Solisten
Hanssler Classics HD19041

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