Make Some Joy! Play the opening to “Ode to Joy” and send it to us
In times like these it’s even more important to find comfort in the little things. That’s why we’re inviting you to help us Make Some Joy!
- Grab any instrument you’ve got — a guitar or violin, an old casio keyboard, a harmonica or theremin… Or make your own instrument out of bottles or wine glasses or vegetables. Or just use your voice to sing the melody.
- Use your phone to record the audio or video as you play the first eight bars of Beethoven’s Ode to Joy. (Here is sheet music if you need it.)
- Send your audio or video to MakeSomeJoy@virginia.edu
We’ll post submissions here and at WTJU’s Facebook and Instagram pages.
Here are a few of our favorites:
- Doug Brown and his lion puppet
- Josh Mandel playing harmonium from Frank Loyd Wright’s Robie house in Chicago
- WTJU’s Cameron Polson on his electric guitar
- WTJU’s Nathan Moore did an eerie whistling version
- David Sun’s smooth keyboard sounds
- Susan on the piano
Presented in partnership with The Bridge Progressive Arts Initiative and others.