Streaming Issues? Here’s a Solution!
Date: 06/03/2024 - 06/05/2024
We agree that stability is paramount and we spent a lot of time trying to find the best way to improve it. We’ve just upgraded our internet, which should result in a stronger and more stable experience for everyone!
Underneath the surface, those changes won’t reach everyone at the same time, which may result in some temporary disruptions to our live stream and recent shows.
You can still listen to WTJU online through most media players.
Just input the stream url: https://streams.wtju.net/wtju-live.mp3
It may take a few seconds for the stream to buffer before it starts playing.
VLC Media Player
Hit Media in the upper left/top menu. Select “Open Network Stream,” make sure the new window is set to “Network” and then paste the above url. Hit “play” in bottom right and start listening.
Apple Music
In the Music app, go to “File” to “Stream URL”. Paste in the above url and you’re good to go.
Windows Media Player
Right click on the top bar next to the Back/Forward arrows, above “Organize, Stream, Create Playlist.” Select “File” then “Open URL.” Paste the above url into the window and you’re good to go.