Koussevitzky@150: Koussevitzky In His Own Words

By Ralph Graves

100 years ago, Serge Koussevitzky came to America as Music Director of the Boston Symphony. In this first episode of Koussevitzky@150, we hear from Koussevitzky himself. In archival recordings, the conductor outlines the goals he set for himself and his new orchestra.

In addition, the program includes complete recordings of works by Modest Mussorgsky, Igor Stravinsky, Roy Harris, and Johannes Brahms.

Koussevkitzky@150 airs 9:00 am Wednesdays
on charlottesvilleclassical.org

Mussorgsky: Khovantschina PreludeSerge Koussevitzky/
Boston Symphony
Koussevitzky Conducts HansonBiddulph 441936
Stravinsky: Petrouchka SuiteSerge Koussevitzky/
Boston Symphony
Koussevitzky Conducts StravinskyPearl 90201928
Symphony 3
Serge Koussevitzky/Boston SymphonyKoussevitzky Conducts American MusicPearl 94921939
Brahms: Academic Festival OvertureSerge Koussevitzky/
Boston Symphony
Koussevitzky Conducts BrahmsRCA LM-29021947

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