WTJU Classical Marathon airs the richness of the classical repertoire, December 4 – 10
By Nathan Moore
Ever wished you could enjoy WTJU’s exceptional classical programming all day long? From December 4th through 10th, you can. Tune in for WTJU’s 2017 Classical Marathon, a week of round-the-clock classical music, specially programmed for your listening pleasure.
The Classical Marathon doubles as a pledge drive for WTJU as we raise $40,000 from our listeners. Donate today!
View the full schedule in PDF format.
View the full schedule list with Show Descriptions.
View the thank-you gifts available during the Classical Marathon.
During WTJU’s Classical Marathon, you will experience the full richness of the classical repertoire. Everything from the earliest medieval chants to the latest compositions; beloved masterworks and newly discovered pieces – all that the past millennia of classical music have to offer.
Your donation helps keep classical music alive and well on WTJU’s airwaves. Make a tax-deductible contribution today!