Don’t miss this WTJU panel discussions on June 12
WTJU is pleased to host Radio Talks, a two-part series of music-related panel discussions this June featuring current and former WTJU hosts. These include:
RADIO TALKS: The state of WTJU (and good music) in a pandemic
Friday, June 5, 4 – 5 p.m.
FM radio is remarkably resilient technology. It’s easy, it’s free, and importantly, it’s on-air during almost any crisis. Find out how things are going at WTJU, and hear some quarantine music recommendations from WTJU & WXTJ on-air hosts.
FREE event. Panelists include:
- Nathan Moore, WTJU General Manager
- Erin O’Hare, WTJU Rock DJ
- Peter Jones, WTJU Folk Director
- Ralph Graves, WTJU Classical Host
- Liezl Vergara, WXTJ Programming Director
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RADIO TALKS: Where does music go from here?
Friday, June 12, 4 – 5 p.m.
WTJU is still on the air, but our musician friends have no venues to play during this pandemic. Public health models suggest that live music will be one of the last things to return to “normal.”
Where does music go from here? This panel of WTJU alums has spent years writing about music and booking music venues.
FREE event. Panelists include:
- Rob Sheffield, Rolling Stone, columnist
- Danny Shea, The Jefferson Theater, Promotion/Production
- Erin O’Hare, C-Ville Weekly, culture reporter
- Steve Harris, Variety Playhouse, former owner
- Laura Lyons, Beggars Group, project manager
- Moderator: Nathan Moore, WTJU General Manager