Best of 2014: Lonesome George (CAJ)
By Folk Department
As 2015 kicks off, various WTJU Folk staff look back on some of their favorite 2014 releases (or in a few cases albums which arrived at WTJU in 2014). To see the other lists, including the final WTJU Best of 2014 compilation, click here.
Host: Lonesome George, Co-Host of Cosmic American Jamboree (Wednesday, 4-6 pm)
Here are 20 from 2014 for the list. Some good ones got left out, but I had to include some interesting newcomers and at least one classical/folk crossover in addition to old favorites.
Annie Ford Band, Annie Ford Band, Self
Bonsoir Catin, Light The Stars), Valcour
Chuck Mead, Free State Serenade, Plowboy Records
Corb Lund, Counterfeit Blues, New West Records
Dave & Phil Alvin, Common Ground, Yep Roc
Dirk Powell, Walking Through Clay, Sugar Hill
Dom Flemons, Propect Hill, Music Maker Relief Foundation
Emily Herring, Your Mistake, Self
Gordie MacKeeman, Pickin’ and Clickin, Self
Katie Glassman & Snapshot, Dream A Little Dream, Self
Kristi Guillory & Anya Burgess, Kristi Guillory & Anya Burgess, Valcour
Mandolin Man, Old Times, Dusted Down, ARC
Mike Auldridge/Jerry Douglas/Rob Ickes, Three Bells, Rounder
Mollie O’Brien & Rich Moore, Love Runner, Remington Road Records
Old Crow Medicine Show, Remedy, ATO
Parker Milsap, Parker Milsap, Okrahoma
The Haden Triplets, The Haden Triplets, Perro Verde
The Sacred Shakers, Live, Signature Sounds
Time For Three, Time For Three, Universal Music Classics
Various, The Patuxent Banjo Project, Patuxent