An American Music Celebration for #ClassicsaDay
By Ralph Graves
Want access to great classical music?
If you use Twitter, the easiest way is to use the hashtag #ClassicsaDay. Classical music lovers post music links using #ClassicsaDay in their tweet to share with others. And they know to click on the hashtag in tweets to see what others have found.
An All-American theme
For the month of July, some of the participants (including yours truly) will be featuring American music. I’ll personally be tweeting a link to music by a different American composer every weekday in July. Look for #ClassicsaDay and #USclassics.
Not on Twitter? Not a problem!
Just keep reading this blog. Every Friday I’ll post an annotated list (with embedded videos) of the composers I’ve highlighted that week.
There’s more to American music than John Philip Sousa and Aaron Copland! Join our month-long celebration of American music from the 1700s to the present.
Using the hashtag is simple. In Twitter, type #Classicsaday into the search field to call up the most recent tweets. Or if you see #ClassicsaDay in a tweet, just click on it to do the same thing. You can even do a Google search for #ClassicsaDay and see the most popular tweets without even going to Twitter.